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Location: Quezon city, Philippines

iM kimberLy, em a simpLe creaTure Livin' my dumb ass in this crowded worLd, with all the criticism and controvercy,. Livin' in a very interesTing and controversiaL Life,. i have a lot of friends,. true friends,. yes indeed,.. i love bein' with people who posses great power on making other people laugh, i don't take problems as if its the end of the world,. just chill,. dude, you don't have to take it too serious,.. just smile,.. be happy,.. peopLe tend to think that em a snob, *mean*, fLirt,. whatever,.. they are entitLed to give opinions though,. but when they get to know me, they'll say i ain't like that. instead em chiLdish, approachable, fun to be with, cRazy and loves to pLay aLL sort of games,. you couLd see me throwing out jokes with others, Laughin nonstop and just enjoying god's greatest gift,.. my freakin' Lyf,.. i don't want others to see me cry,. i just don't want to,.. i don't want them to see me lonely, depressed or down,. ryt now, im contented to have what i own,. Luv yah oL!

Monday, April 11, 2005
tHat was s0 sp0oky n' yet s0 fuNny

1:25 PM

haha!!.. weLL y0u kn0w what guyz?? i juz reMemberEd s0methin'.. weLL it was kinda sp0oky but in the eNd i f0und myseLf Laughin' out Loud.. weLL LEt me sHare it then,, uMm.. if y0u are n0t inteREsted then wHat the heLL are y0u d0in' here??.. haha!!.. enyWEiz.. it aLL started wheN one nigHt my m0m askEd me t0 g0 at the baCk 0f 0ur h0use (2nd fL0or) t0 get s0meThin'. (weLL f0r the reAders inf0rmati0n, i am using c0ntact Lenses since maLab0 ang eYes k0h.) at That tyM i was n0t weARin' any c0ntacts tHat's y eVerythin is bLurred.. (R0ng speLLin? wHatevah!..) theN i went 0ut nah,, it was s0 dark!!.. but i dunn0 why em' t0o bRave that nigHt t0 g0 out w/o eVen turnin' 0n the Lights (kn0win' da fact that im scaREd sa daRk pLAces n i ain't weArin c0ntacts..) then i wEnt at the baCk parT 0f the teRrace theN 0n my firsT L0ok i saw tHe huge Mangg0 trEE of 0ur neIghbor.. weLL binaLiwaLa k0 Lng but when i gEt cL0ser t0 the trEE i saw s0methin' whiteY.. (Argh..) waH!!.. i th0ught it waS a "mumu" cuz my neighb0r toLd me that s0methin' is Living in thaT tree.. tHen i waS LYk.. ow My g0d!! i cL0sed my eYes n' run s0 daMn fasT!.. i eveN feLL 0ver the griLLin- thingy (yah kn0w?? the 0ne we use whEn we griLL.. with aLL th0se cHarc0aLs n stuff..) tHen i wNT inSide the h0use n i was s0 exhausTed!!.. haha!!.. i evEn Laughed at MyseLF!!.. haah!!.. thEn the neXt m0rnin' i went therE again t0 seE if waT the heLL is tHat thingY that sCared me.. d0 y0u hav any ideA on whAt i saw??.. weLL on my surpriSe it Was JUST.. a Piece 0f w0od fr0m the Mangg0 tRee witH s0me wHite Paints aLL over it!!.. Yah it was juz a W00d!!..DAmn!!.. i juz reaLLy can't beLieve h0w stuPid i Am n0t t0 rec0gnize that!!.. hahaah!!.. theN i dunn0.. i juz burSt 0ut 0f LaughTer!!.. i eVen r0LLed ovEr the fL0or.. haha!!.. it was s0 funNy.. i was Laughin Lyk a Crazy gurL!!>.. hhahaahha!!.. DEn fr0m then on i can't get tHat exPerienCE 0ut 0f my heaD. speCiaLLy wheNever i g0 near thaT mangg0 tRee 0r evEn seE a Mangg0 tree!!.. haah!!!.. daMn!!.. i h8 it!!.. haha!!.. weLL dats oL.. you migHt think ryt kn0w thaT.. "is DAt funNy?" or "it d0esn't even maKe senSe!" weLL i d0n't caRE!!.. i juz waNNa share dis eXperience tHAt's oLL.. n' w8.. i own dis bL0g s0 im g0nna p0st wHatever i want!!.. bye!!1.. ^_^

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

*Esse layout é uma criação exclusiva de Bruno Maximus*