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Location: Quezon city, Philippines

iM kimberLy, em a simpLe creaTure Livin' my dumb ass in this crowded worLd, with all the criticism and controvercy,. Livin' in a very interesTing and controversiaL Life,. i have a lot of friends,. true friends,. yes indeed,.. i love bein' with people who posses great power on making other people laugh, i don't take problems as if its the end of the world,. just chill,. dude, you don't have to take it too serious,.. just smile,.. be happy,.. peopLe tend to think that em a snob, *mean*, fLirt,. whatever,.. they are entitLed to give opinions though,. but when they get to know me, they'll say i ain't like that. instead em chiLdish, approachable, fun to be with, cRazy and loves to pLay aLL sort of games,. you couLd see me throwing out jokes with others, Laughin nonstop and just enjoying god's greatest gift,.. my freakin' Lyf,.. i don't want others to see me cry,. i just don't want to,.. i don't want them to see me lonely, depressed or down,. ryt now, im contented to have what i own,. Luv yah oL!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Pengeng Stress Tabs!!

10:19 PM

haAy,.. this weeK has been s0 tiring,. i've beEn streSsed 0ut f0r 5 straiGht nigHts,.. wHy??,.. itS becauSe 0f this stuPid bL0g!,.. haha

i've been editing, L0okin' 4 a freAk tempLate and c0L0r,.. n0w i'm aLm0st d0ne,.. just a Lil' m0re things t0 d0 and i'LL be saTisfied,.. haha!!,...

0kay Lets maKE a reCap,...

Lets sTart with my The-Day-Bef0re-Christmas-Experience shaLL we??,.. ayt,.

Dec. 24 2005
I have a neW friend!!,.. n' im s0 haPPy,. hehe!!,.. i cALL him "ALbuLay" Weird isn't it?,.. but i juz wanna caLL him in such a weiRd waY!,. hehe,... we aLways chat with eaCh 0ther, tExt each 0ther and even caLL me,. he's a niCe friend,. i neVer th0ugHt we'LL be This cL0se!,.. aNyweiz,.. i have this freAkin expeRience,.. my GUITAR!!!! it was BROKEN!! DAMN!!,.. my m0m Lend it t0 her frieNd, p0Lished, tuneD,cLeaN n' preSentabLe,..... her frieNd reTurned it witH 1 string missing, with aLL the finger prints y0u c0uLd imaGine n' aLL the *gas-gas in the w0rLd!!<.. i was s0 pissEd 0ff!!,... daMn th0se pe0PLE! i waNna curSe theM!
weLL en0ugh 0f that... yah kn0w wat? i had an achieVement!!,.. I WENT TO THE CHURCH!! haha!!,.. it is indeed an AchieVement,.. causE i have a StupiD principLe 0f n0t g0ing t0 the church<.. ( weLL y0u d0n't reaLLy have t0 g0 t0 the church th0ugh,.. as L0ng as y0u Live with G0d,. thats OK,.. causE yah kn0w wat? s0me p0epLe DO g0 t0 church,.. but their purp0se is n0t t0 praisE g0d,. s0me pe0pLe g0 t0 church t0 meeT new friends, meEt their b0o... that juz suckS!)
tHe maSs went wELL,. especiaLLy f0r me.. wHy??,. cause i waS seaTed next t0 my Crush!!,.. *winks!

Dec. 25 2005

0bvi0usLy,. its ChristMas daY,. duh!.. wELL i reALLy h8 christmas,. i dunn0 wHy,.. i kn0w its a seAs0n 0f L0vin' sharin' eTc.. eTc.. wHatever! i guess my reaS0n is tHat,. i tenD t0 be jeaL0us wiTh th0se faMiLy,.. th0se "c0mpLete" 0nes.. anyweiZ,.. my ChristMas was g0od.. we aTe "Noche Buean" i was reaLLy bL0ated tHat nigHt,.. tHen i caLLed aLm0st aLL my frieNds,. i wasn't abLe t0 caLL aLL 0f them causE s0me ph0nes were 0ut 0f c0verAge aRea 0r unatteNded,. but i was abLe t0 Leave a meSsaGe,.. hehe!!... i haD a L0ng chaT with my frieNds,.. i'm haPPy causE a L0t 0f pe0pLe didn't faiL t0 greEt,. i reaLLy aPpreciaTe it!,. huhuh.. haha!!,..

i wenT t0 bed at 3 am the neX day,. (Dec. 26) if i wasn't misTaken,. i waS taLking t0 my frieNd at the ph0ne f0r Like 3 h0urs!,. haha

i had a niCe sLeep n' thankfuL causE i couLd resT n0w.. haha!!

Dec 26, 2005

My Bestie,. (CatriNa) at aLm0st 11 pm,. she asKed me t0 g0 OnLine,. she has a pr0bLem,.. s0 i immediateLy turned 0n my C0mputer and L0ggeD in t0 YM,... then we had a cHat,.. she t0Ld me aLL the deTaiLs n' i h0pe i made s0me seNse with my aDvice., i kn0w sHe;s in a teRribLe situaTi0n ryt n0w n' i h0pe she'LL c0me up wiTh a greAt discisi0n,. aNyweiz,.. i was teXtin n0n st0p t0daY! haha,.. i had 6 Txtm8 aLL at the same time! (They are my batchm8s n' FrieNds,. ) nyweiZ,. i ws n0t abLe t0 sLeep earLy AGAIN!,. i was making *teLebabad!(caRaba0 engLish! haha) w/ my friend f0r Like 2 or 3 h0urs,. haha!!,.. i'm n0t sLeepy that's why..

i reaLLy miss my Barkada!,. DagitaB famiLy n' aLL my BAtchm8s,. wish this chrisTmas bReak is 0ver!,.

Dec. 27, 2005

i had pLenty 0f sLeep!!,.. i w0ke up 11 am,. ate breaKfast, surF the net,. waTch Tv, EaT LuncH, waTch, n' finaLLy sLeep!,.. i had a 5 h0ur L0ng sLeep.. then i w0ke up, aTe suPPer, Text, tExt, tExt,, den waThcd 0prah,.. haha!! i
n0thin s0 speciaL t0day,.. im just s0 haPpy i wAs abLe t0 sLeep s0 weLL!!..

Dec. 28 2005

PreseNt nigHt,. hehe

i weNt t0 the maLL t0day, i was acc0mpanied by my frieNd,.. we surFed the net n' pLayed at Tom's WorLd,. its funNy causE weRe Like kiDs,.. we weRe pLain' baSketbaLL, the firing thingy, arCade, n' many m0re,. i eVen daRed him t0 have a ridE at the swirLing chair,. its f0r kids th0ugh hehe!!,.. its kinDa tiring but its 0kay, atLeast i had a bReak witH my n0nsense Life!.. hehe!!,.. *saNa may pera pa xa! cuz he waS Like the 0nLy 0ne wh0 b0ught the t0kens,.. hehe!!,.. he aLs0 paid f0r my iCe creAm! weeeeee...... haha!!,..weLL thaT 's his pr0mise th0ugh.. i weNt h0me at ar0und 7 pm,. weLL my kneeS weRe painfuL! hehe,. but that's Like n0rmaL f0r me,. wHenever i waLk f0r a Long time,. my kneeS wiLL reaLLy ache,...

n0w, i asKed Bestie (Catrina) t0 d0 s0me chaNges with my bL0g causE i th0ught i w0n't be abLe t0 g0 OnLine,.. g0od thing i was aBLe t0.. hehhe!!

nyweiZ,.. i waNna sLeep n0w,. ta ta!!

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

9:51 PM

Trip 2 iraQ dn,. Posted by Picasa

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

1:07 PM

weeeeee.... Posted by Picasa

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

1:06 PM

wa! they're g0in cRazy Posted by Picasa

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

1:05 PM

L0ngest Line.. Posted by Picasa

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

1:05 PM

Trip 2 irAq,. Posted by Picasa

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

1:05 PM

Danic0 n' Jessica.. Trip 2 iRaq.. haha Posted by Picasa

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

1:04 PM

MarL0 n' Jessica,.. BASAGAN NG ITLOG! haha Posted by Picasa

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

1:03 PM

g0 BJ Posted by Picasa

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

1:01 PM

PARTY NG MGA BATA!! HAHA Posted by Picasa

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

12:56 PM

SA St0ry LAnd,.. hehe!! La Lng' Posted by Picasa

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

12:54 PM

DAGITAB PARTY Posted by Picasa

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

11:53 AM

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

Monday, December 19, 2005
Weird cat

3:25 PM

i found this picTure somewhere in thE net,.. i was Laughin' so Loud when i firSt saw it.. haha!!,..

its weiRd but verY intersting,..
i wanna coMMend the one who mAde it.. very good!!


Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

Sunday, December 18, 2005
Bi0 any0ne??,.

10:50 PM

Here’s a Lil’ Bi0 b0ut my LIKEs n’ DISLIKES

I Lyk…

.: Mah CriBB :.
.: MobiLe Phone :.
.: Ice cReam :.
.: FloweRs :.
:Hearts :.
.: Surprise :.
.: StuFFed Toys :.
.: PuPpies :.
.: French Fries :.
.: SmiLey :.
.: Laughin’ Trip :.
.: CompuTer Games :.
.: CHattin :.
.; Fruit SaLad :.
.: WiLdin’ 0ut wid my FrieNDs :.
. :PissiNg my TeaCHers! LOL :.
.: BefrieNd aNy0ne :.
.: Access0ries :.
.: McDonaLds :.
.: Arcade :.
.: TraveLLin’ :.
.: SLeeP 0vers :.
.: S0und Trip :.
.: Baking SweeTs! :.
.: TxTin tiLL mN! :.

N0w Lets g0 t0 my DisLikes!!

Im s0 pissEd 0ff witH…

.: ButterFLies!! Grrr.. :.
.: CHristmAs :.
.: Mayonnaise :.
.: BacksTabbers :.
.: FeeLin’ RhakisTha :.
.: People in “ALL BLACK” C0stuMes :.
.: pa-Cute :.
.: DraMa qUeen :.
.: Kn0w-it-aLL :.
.: BitCh :.
.: Flirt :.
.: LiaRs! :.

Y0u’LL pr0babLy think whY I hate BUTTERFLIES?? Huh? well they Stink that’s aLL..

I jusT recalled theSe sTuff..

wHen I waS a Kid…

I Th0ugth that tHe 0cean is n0t deep.. I th0ugh its just up to my ankles,.. haha!!..
I Th0ught SanTa cLause is f0r real…
I th0ugHt y0u’LL L0ose y0ur sense 0f sight when y0u saW 0r t0uched a buttERfLy..
I th0ughT sNow will start faLLin’ here in the Phil. On year 2000..

aLL th0se funny th0ughts makes me Laugh, n0w tHat I kn0w tHat the 0ceaN is really Deep..
that saNta is n0t f0r real and that 0ur PareNts are thE 0ne wh0 snEaks int0 0ur r0om n’ puT aLL the PreseNts..
That we ain’t g0nna L0ose 0ur sight when we saW a butterfly
And there will never be a single sign oF SNOW IN THE PHILIPPINES!

My GreaTest Dream WouLd be..

Not to Be a PriNcess,.. but a QUEEN!..
I want the w0rLd t0 be BUTTERFLY FREE!
I aLways wanted t0 be able t0 fLy..
I waNNa be invisible…
I waNna g0 t0 n0rTh p0Le and L0ok f0r santa! LOL..
I d0n’t want my teenage years t0 end..
I waNna be a great influence t0 eVery0ne..
I waNna build a c0mpaNy in tHe future tHat’LL beat trumph n’ Virgin,.. haha!!

I kn0w th0se drEams are IMPOSSIBLE,.. but hey,.. its FreE t0 dReam rYt?.

Let me sHare this.. I have this weirdest and FunnieSt dreAm 0f aLL..
(im refeRring to the Dream we have when we SleeP aRYt?.)

well it g0es this waY…

I was wALkin on a weird, 0Ld fashi0nes street.. then p0of.. tHere g0es ZORRO!!.. tHen beF0re I knew it,. He waS chasing me and was s0 angRy at me,.. he said I am his ENEMY!!,.. tHen tHE setting changed,. We aRe n0w insidE a dEep well,.. he tied me ThEre aNd sTarted saYin’ s0methin.. *I can’t remember it anym0re.. hehe* Then he tried t0 kiLL me,.
He sTuck his sw0rd on my belly.. I really feLy the sw0rd g0ing thr0ugh my b0dy up t0 my back,.. tHen I w0ke up… its weird,..

I w0ke up with my beLLy t0o painful t0 haNdLe.. grrr…. It felt s0 reaL.. haha!!..
tHat happened ar0und 4 yRs ag0 I guess.. but I can still remember it!.. it’s really weird.. I’ve t0Ld that t0 aLL my friends anD they caN’t help but Laugh… 0w well.. I kn0w ur Laughin t0o..


Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

Monday, December 12, 2005

6:17 PM

WHew,, Its been a Long tYm since i had an entry here,. i reaLLy miss my blog.. i've been so busy doin' a Lot of Scho0L works n' good thing i f0und Time to Post s0methin b0ut my' Freakin Lyf!!,.. n0w Let me upDate my BL0g.. Lets g0 Back 4 m0nThs ag0!!,... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
*SwirLing s0unds...*

weLL.. n0thin' t00 SpeciaL happened, i'm having fun wiTh my New disc0vered Kulit Friends in G0mez . but stiLL, i hang 0ut with my Luna fRiends..

Uhmm... 0ne thing i L0ve b0ut August is That,,..

its the m0nth 0f mY H0Ly BirThday!!<... weeee!!!!

weLL wHat exacTLy happened 0n my birThday??,..
uHmm.. we had This reuni0n kiNd 0f Thing, we Ate in a RestauRant with mY fAmiLy, as exPected, My faMiLy was n0t c0mpLete and i kn0w it wiLL never be..

anyWay, i recEived a L0t 0f Ph0ne caLLs fr0m my J0LLy fRienDS,. i reaLLy miss Them a L0t,.. h0pe i c0uLd find tiMe t0 visit thEm..

actuaLLy my birThday was AUg. 15 but then, siNce its a Monday n' itS ExamiNati0n day, wHat my faMiLy did was t0 ceLebrate it a day EarLier, aNd tHats 14.

at sch0oL my Friends gaVe me waRm grEetiNgs.
i Had a Chance t0 TreaT them.

The daY was s0 busY and im s0 streSsed 0ut. n0w en0ugh 0f my BirthDay,

tHe rest 0f the daYs of August is kiNda Happy,. i am aLready haNgin' 0ut with aLm0st aLL 0f my Friends.. that s0 nicE,..

0w yah,, My BesHy g0t a chance t0 have an 0vernigHt at 0uR h0uSe,. we Did a L0t 0f vide0 thingY,. haha!!<.. its s0 fuNny,. i h0pe i c0uld P0st it here.. hehe!!<.. weLL daTs it f0r aUgust.. Can't remember aNythin m0re!! Ps. did i make seNse? WhaTever!!. SEPTEMBER

Hhm.. my SEptember was ReaLLY faNtastic!!,..
aCademicwise, ive BeeN sucH a sTubb0rn kiD!! (YIpee!!) haha!!<.... i've been vi0Lating scH0oL ruLes day by Day,.. it sucks but,.. i d0n;t reALLY CaRe!!... I L0ve the faCt tHat 0ur adviseR was s0 piSsed off wiTh my Khada!!,.. hehe!<.. if y0u c0uLd just see the Ann0yed Face!! haha!<. its s0 Funny!<.... me and MichaeL has been s0 cL0sed.. as in suPer cL0sed., we've been t0geTher eVery BreaKtime, 0r evEN dismissaL tiMe,.. as a ResuLt, my Friends were Jealous and 0ur CLassmatEs are TeaSing us... huh, YaH rYt!!.. H0neStLY,i d0 Like bein' wiTh him, The fact That he's a neW Friend and The faCt thaT i enJ0y aLL the FunNy 0ut-of-This-worLd Things we d0.. hehe!!<... i eVen caLL hin naMes, i caLL hiM TurtLe,.. wonder why?.. CausE i jusT want t0.. he's a niNja turtLe!! n' then he caLLs meTissue!! ahaha!!<.... weLL d0n't want t0 expLain that anym0re.. we've beEn Playing Gunb0und Like HeLL!<.. as in n0nsT0p gaming!,.. i can't reMember if its a SepTember 0r aN aUgust wHen we weNt t0 a c0mpuTer sh0p eVery n0w and THen.. haha!!,.. he eveN went t0 0ur h0use and afterwards, we weNt t0 his crib. he eVen preSented me t0 his cLan!<.. i was kinDa nerv0us cause his faMiLy th0ught i was his GirL.. haha!! I think iVe beeN t0 10 DiffeRent c0mpuTer sh0Ps with my Friends.. By the eNd 0f SepteMber, i d0n't kn0w wHat haPPened but my reLati0nship (i mEan Friendship!!) wiTh micHaeL crashed!!,.. ph0ne caLLs ended and We kiNda feeL aL0of at sch0oL. i th0ugh it waS becausE his reLAti0nship with his girL was being aFfcTed by 0ur friEndship.. y0u kn0w wAt?,. i wa s pissed 0ff wiTh him when he sTarted t0 sTay awaY fr0m me, but tHen i understaNd him. i reaLLy h0pe we'LL be baCk t0 n0rmaL!!.. weLL,, with my 0ther b0y Friends,, Ryan, is stiLL there, he is sucH a funny LitTLe guy wh0 never faiLs t0 make me Laugh!<. he is s0 undeRstandiNg n' s0 Cute!,.. hey,, i d0n' have a crusH on him, i Just Like hime bein' s0 nauGhty.. weLL daTs it f0r SEptember!! October

October means fun at our SchooL,, w0nder why??,.. cauSe its 0ur F0undati0n M0nth.. a tiMe 0f CeLebraTi0n n' Fun.. we've been s0 busy preParing f0r the c0ntests and Games..
i've beeN a CRazy pers0n at 0ur r0om. im suPer n0isy n' suPer addict in Laughing!!,.. i dunn0 why.. but i juSt can't heLp Laughing.. my friend, MarLo, w0uLd even count the minutes i spent in Laughing.

i Love corny joKes, i laugh at it cause iTs s0 c0rny and its n0t fuNny!!.. getS??
i Kn0w its weiRd but thaTs what it is.. ^_^
aNyway, my FrienDS n' I went t0 the infLatted BaLLoon!! its s0 enterTaining!,.. we weRe b0uncing n0nstp. Laughing out L0ad and d0in cRazy!! i mean CRAZY stuff!!.. haha!!>..
im kinDA tired afTer thaT tiring day.,

My ReLAti0nship with my CLassm8s grew bigger n0w. i aLready have the c0oLest and the m0st speaciaL gr0up in 0ur cLass. at the saMe time, i had new friends at the otHer secti0ns.

i L0ve making friends!!..

After the Foundati0n wEek, we had the Vacati0n 0f a Lifetime!,.. th0ugh its n0t thaT L0ng but its w0rth it,
i was aBle t0 d0 my LAte w0rks and SPend tiMe wiTh my FaMiLy.
em s0 haPPy t0 have this vaCati0n.. ^_^


Hhm... i Love my friends!! i Love my Life!!.. im s0 haPPy t0 have my friends at my siDe,.. my daYs at sch0oL was aLways happY beCause 0f the funny stuffs we aLways do..
0ur adviser was aLready pissEd 0ff with me.. haha!!,..

n' yu kn0w whaT?? i did S0mething tHat when s0meb0dy knew of it, i'LL be d00med!! i sweaR t0 God!!<.. now i'L just keeP my m0uth Shut.. My seaTmates are the Best!!,.. we aLways haVe this joke bondiNg wherein we wiLL say a L0t of Jokes! until a tEaCher comes. hehe!!.. One friend 0f Mine, Catrina,. we had LittLe chat eVeryday ab0ut her Love inteRest, on what thaT fuCkin' guy is d0in' and 0n h0w That StupiD guY chaNged his LifE,.. g0od tHing my Friend wasn't f0oL en0ugh t0 be f0oLed.. haha! gets??.. weLL t0 end it up.. my November was a BLAST!! it surely iS!!,..
December 12

Present time n0w!,..

my December is GreaT so far.. i met neW friends from anoTher secti0n (faura)
they're kiNda good. its the firSt day 0f 0ur Peri0dicaL eXam and i aM here in fr0nt 0f my c0mputer upDati0ng my BL0g, G0in t0 F0rums and Plaing MMORPG!.. waT da heLL?,..

My Friend and i had a chat at GB,.. oh Bef0re anything eLse, that frieNd of miNe was the one wh0 g0t me f0r 0ur Exchange gifts 0n christmas Party,.. tHat same 0Ld friend was mY L0ng L0st Friend.. he's sucH a nic e guy th0ugh..

at firSt we weRe taLkin' ab0ut the gifTs, i t0Ld him i want a giant Stuffed t0y!! and he said "OW fuck!" haha!,..]
LAter, He said he is n0t g0nnA attend the paRty,. (Cause i toLd him i'm g0nna piss his Girlfried!) he saiD he ain't g0nna give me gifts!,. 0hh.. s0 sad!,.weLL its 0kay

hey yah kn0w waT??

im 0ne 0f thE t0p5 at 0ur f0rum!! haha!!<.. weLL n0thin t0 say!! bye bye!!

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

*Esse layout é uma criação exclusiva de Bruno Maximus*