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Location: Quezon city, Philippines

iM kimberLy, em a simpLe creaTure Livin' my dumb ass in this crowded worLd, with all the criticism and controvercy,. Livin' in a very interesTing and controversiaL Life,. i have a lot of friends,. true friends,. yes indeed,.. i love bein' with people who posses great power on making other people laugh, i don't take problems as if its the end of the world,. just chill,. dude, you don't have to take it too serious,.. just smile,.. be happy,.. peopLe tend to think that em a snob, *mean*, fLirt,. whatever,.. they are entitLed to give opinions though,. but when they get to know me, they'll say i ain't like that. instead em chiLdish, approachable, fun to be with, cRazy and loves to pLay aLL sort of games,. you couLd see me throwing out jokes with others, Laughin nonstop and just enjoying god's greatest gift,.. my freakin' Lyf,.. i don't want others to see me cry,. i just don't want to,.. i don't want them to see me lonely, depressed or down,. ryt now, im contented to have what i own,. Luv yah oL!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006
What's Happenin t0 my Life??,..

7:47 PM

I really hate this dam year,
maybE because i StarTed it in a B0ring waY, aRghh,...
There are a L0t 0f Stuff that's piSsing me Like heLL!!,... i had a Lot of argueMents witH my CLOSE frieNds,.. n I really hate it, as i have said at my preVi0us p0st,
My "th0L" kiNda piss me, now; my Best friend is kinda piss at ME! arGhh,.. N what makes this petty argument worst was that, her reason was not that reas0nabLe, waaaaaaaaaaa, I really dunn0 what t0 d0. It’s Like 0ne day I was Like Living' my Life with all y c0oL friends then suddenly they Left me empty,
but these situati0ns never made me feel guilty or Stupid or something, cusp’ n0ne 0f These arguments are my Fault! <. it was Them, it waS them wh0 pr0v0ked me t0 be s0 mad! n0w I duNn0 what’s g0nnA happen t0 my Life, i aM s0 passed!! but 0n the 0thER hand, i stiLL have aL0t0f friends, That’s reaDy t0 st0p, sit n' Listen t0 me, maKe me haPpy n' feeL s0 g0od, i decided t0 be with my Gomez n' new frieNds, I’m gonna stay away first at my Best friend,.. cusp I am still pisses th0ugh we're d0in 0k n0w... If Ever she gets a chance t0 read this, i wanna Let her kn0w h0w piss n' mad i was, aNyweiz,...
my friends made me Laugh everyday,.. I mean my GOMEZ Friends... I never had a pr0bLem when I’m with them, i neVer had an argument with them th0ugh, n0w en0ugh 0f the pissing thingy, ema shaRe y0u the happy m0ments th0ugh, weLLb0ut 0ur aSSembLy, It weNt weLL, it was fuNNy-nauGHty-cReaTive-fLuent in sh0rt it’s Excellent!
Th0ugh I didn't participate with the perf0rmance, i helped in maKin the Back draft, eaRy m0nday, me n' Michael went t0 sch0oL at ar0und 6 am cuz we had s0me s0rT 0f a deAL thaT we aRe g0nna g0 t0 sch0oL eaRLy, hehe! then i almost had a violation cuz em weaRing PLitted skirt haha! g0od thing i was abLe t0 rem0ve it hehe!! t0 enterTain myseLf during dismissaL time,. i had a LittLe j0ke with my friends,. i pLayed s0me s0rt 0f a funny ann0ying game haha what i did was,. i caLLed my fist victim,, IVAN, ish0uted his naMe,.
(He is inside ur r0om n' im 0utside besides the d00r) then whEn he'LL L0ok i'LL hide n' run t0 the 0ther d0or n' cALL him again,. then g0 back t0 the 0ther d00r n' cALL him aGain,. but a Lot Louder this time,. haha! i did that f0r Like 10 tiMes untiL michaeL surprised me whicH gave me a fuNny sh0ck haah!,.. My 0ther victims are Rosa, Melanie, Ruther, Amyl, Albert, Erika, Ivan, and Danic0... ha-ha!! Then after that we went t0 the garden, did s0me sh0oting n' pLayed, i asKed my guy0friends t0 pLay with me at the turnin-kinda-chair, i aws the onLy one sitTed and 6 of them puShed me round n round! So fast, i reaLLy have to grip so haRd at the bar, haha, aFter a Lot of turns i was suPer dizzY! I mean DIZZY!
It was so funny ha-ha! Then the next Day (present day) I was kind of sad, cuz eArLy in the m0rnin' i was kiNda ann0ed wiTh micHaeL cuz he reaD my Diary, my diaRy, my preci0us diaRy,, i aLm0st cried,.. I mean ALMOST, then he wr0te me a LEtter, taKe n0te, he usEd an L0ng F0Lder f0r that, haha! Its weird we're Like passing this huge f0Lder t0 and fr0... he said he's s0rry, I said I can’t mad, then wHat made me feeL happY was when he dRew a Lot of turtLe forming a SORRY word,. It was cute, then Later tHat day were taLkin aGain, duriNg LuncH tiMe MeLai was meaSuring the heiGHt n stuFF, she meAsured my heiGHt n' d0n't reaLLy agree wiTh the reSuLt! Ha-ha then we went down to form our Line, we were pLayin at the back not knowin our president was aLready pissed, haha! During our T.H.E. class, Marlon n' I kind of had a funny talk, while our teacher is discussing ha-ha!
I kept 0n punching him with my pillow! Ha-ha... then i reaLLY enjoyEd our Trigo cLass, T.fearL had a roLL cALL of the peePs that didn't pass their ntBk, i was one of them, and I kinda had a loud reaction like “HUH?" Then my cLassm8s busted out with a g0od Laugh ha-ha! T.fearL said "Basket Kimberly may rekLamo ka? gus2 m0 isaBit kita jan sa railings, dBa saBi m0 Maganda ka? para naman gumanda t0ng cLassr0om ni0!" hhaha!! it was s0 funny, then afTerwards she asKed us to do some software thingy, i didn't reaLLy underst0od what the heLL she was sayin' i just said "NO TEACHER WE CAN'T!"
then my cLassm8s Laughed 0ut again,. t.fearL said 0ne m0re w0rd she hears fr0m me n' she’s g0nna thr0w me 0ut! LOL ha-ha!! she's s0 funny! ha-ha!! well then we ended our trig very happy, but bef0re dismissaL our NoLi thingy had a pr0bLem, they kinda argued f0r it, i neVer knew they were taLkin cuz MarLo, Janeen n' i weRe pLayin,
They weRe tickLing me, eVen th0ugh their hands are n0t yet t0uching my b0dy, im aLready bursTing a L0ud Laugh haha!!<..
that ann0yed Adriane, but i was s0rrY f0r that, hehe weLL n0w im kiNda sLeepy, wanna g0 t0 bed aLreadY,

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

*Esse layout é uma criação exclusiva de Bruno Maximus*