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Location: Quezon city, Philippines

iM kimberLy, em a simpLe creaTure Livin' my dumb ass in this crowded worLd, with all the criticism and controvercy,. Livin' in a very interesTing and controversiaL Life,. i have a lot of friends,. true friends,. yes indeed,.. i love bein' with people who posses great power on making other people laugh, i don't take problems as if its the end of the world,. just chill,. dude, you don't have to take it too serious,.. just smile,.. be happy,.. peopLe tend to think that em a snob, *mean*, fLirt,. whatever,.. they are entitLed to give opinions though,. but when they get to know me, they'll say i ain't like that. instead em chiLdish, approachable, fun to be with, cRazy and loves to pLay aLL sort of games,. you couLd see me throwing out jokes with others, Laughin nonstop and just enjoying god's greatest gift,.. my freakin' Lyf,.. i don't want others to see me cry,. i just don't want to,.. i don't want them to see me lonely, depressed or down,. ryt now, im contented to have what i own,. Luv yah oL!

Sunday, February 19, 2006
Juni0r's Prominade...

12:34 PM

THe nigHT we've beeN waitin' for...

THe niGht we've beeN preparin' f0r...

tHe daNce,

THe Gorgeous dreSS

GrowN up Ladies n' GEntLemen..

its the Promi Night!!,..

The juNi0r's of the Scho0L 0f saint anTh0ny haD a bLast Last FebruaRy, 18
i've beeN s0 haPPy thaT night, haVing a daNce with yOur frieNds and other peopLe is reaLLY the beST part of the Prom,

i've beeN dancing aLL night, from this guy to aNother, there had been uNexpeCted daNce and unExpeCted gifTs as weLL,. hehe!,.
My friends n' i t0ok a Lot of picTUres, do some poseS here n' therE!,.

THe aMbiance was greaT though it kinDA rained.

wiTh reGArds to the DAnce coNtest, our seCtion feLt so haPPY when theYa nnounCEd us as the over-aLL winnER!<. we reaLLY thougHt That DE Jesus (the cREam secTi0n) wiLL win cauSe eVen th0ugh theY had some teCHnicaL pr0bLems, they c0ntinued thE DAnce with p0isE n' c0nFidenCe.. aLs0 Zam0ra was the 3rd Place.. i wasn't abLe t0 eaT a L0t causE i feLT bL0ated eVen bef0re i wEnt t0 the sCh0oL... JeLai, My cLassmatE was the PROM QUEEN, n Patrick was the KING<.. c0ngRats t0 the b0tH 0f y0u,. t00 baD i wasN't abLe t0 taKe a piCture 0f thEM,.. weLL my nigHt was "supposed" t0 be AMazing aLreaDy,... onLy if he danced a LiL' Longer with me,. n' qng sinaYaw Ln nia q ng maayos,. eun hehe!! y0u kn0w wHAT?,. because 0f the pr0m, i am m0re puZZLEd,.. this feeLing is s0 weird,.. xn0 ba tLGA KimberLY??,... Haay,.. t0 end this p0st,. my Juni0r Prom was greAT,. n i am reaLLy L0okin' f0rwaRd f0r the SENIOR's PROM,. weee!! g0ttA reSt n0w,,

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

*Esse layout é uma criação exclusiva de Bruno Maximus*