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Location: Quezon city, Philippines

iM kimberLy, em a simpLe creaTure Livin' my dumb ass in this crowded worLd, with all the criticism and controvercy,. Livin' in a very interesTing and controversiaL Life,. i have a lot of friends,. true friends,. yes indeed,.. i love bein' with people who posses great power on making other people laugh, i don't take problems as if its the end of the world,. just chill,. dude, you don't have to take it too serious,.. just smile,.. be happy,.. peopLe tend to think that em a snob, *mean*, fLirt,. whatever,.. they are entitLed to give opinions though,. but when they get to know me, they'll say i ain't like that. instead em chiLdish, approachable, fun to be with, cRazy and loves to pLay aLL sort of games,. you couLd see me throwing out jokes with others, Laughin nonstop and just enjoying god's greatest gift,.. my freakin' Lyf,.. i don't want others to see me cry,. i just don't want to,.. i don't want them to see me lonely, depressed or down,. ryt now, im contented to have what i own,. Luv yah oL!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

11:49 PM

again n' Again,. Dota,.. hehe,. t0day reX a.k.a. id0L asked me t0 pLay d0ta agaiNst him,. the firSt pLan was 2 0n 2,. meaning me n' aLvin vs. hiM n' taLyn,.. i said aYt,. but Later i reaLized that we have no match with him. so i asked jaMeson to go with us,.

we did our CL project,. i heLped in cutting the pictures and i provided tha sCrapbook,. good thing we were abLe to finish the projeCt and passed it on time,. then jameson suddenly told me that were gonna pLay dotA n' its 5 vs 5!,. haha i was sh0cked,. wh0 are the pALyerS??,. then he t0Ld me that micHaEL and the rest 0f the peePs fr0m zam0ra wiLL pLay,. i said ,.. aLright.,.. then we weNt t0 a c0mputer sh0p,. we've been teASing each 0ther f0r quite a while but its 0kay,.. then i j0ined tha Zam0ra teAm against my cLassmates,.. haha i was a traSh!<.. i kinDa feeL aL0of with my teaMates,. i dunn0 theiR straTegy with the gAme so i can't deaL with them so weLL,. haha,.. we weNt home around 6 pm,. me jeLai n' taLyn went home together,.. Later that night, i just did my usuaL routine,. chaTtin' n' using the phone for Like an hour,.. haha!,. my Mom was kiNda irritaTed to me,. hehe!<. im stiLL workin' on my probLems,.. hope eVerything wiLL be okay..

Rabiscado por KimberLY_KiMberLY

*Esse layout é uma criação exclusiva de Bruno Maximus*